This episode of Legal Marketing 101 is brought to you by Thumbs Up Survey. Build better online surveys faster with Thumbs Up Survey. Mention Legal Marketing 101 when you request access to the beta at thumbsupsurveycom to get access to features and discounts first. Thank you to our partners at thumbsupsurveycom. Welcome to Legal Marketing 101. I'm your host, toby Rosen, and today's episode is pretty short. This isn't really a full episode. It's kind of an episode telling you that there's a break, because I don't really set up another system for telling you that. But I also want to talk about breaks and timing of breaks and I want to address some of the changes that have happened here on the podcast in the last few months. So at the top of that list is ads and these ads. I just want to mention something that, while I am monetizing the podcast, sometimes I am selecting these advertisers specifically. So the advertisers that we're working with these are advertisers that I am genuinely really interested in their product and what they're doing, and there are some where we're actually partners in much more than just advertising and for something like Thumbs Up Survey, that's actually not something I'm monetizing at all. That's a partnership with that developer to create that platform and they're doing a lot of specific stuff that is actually useful for me. So they're creating some lot of specific stuff that is actually useful for me. So they're creating some specific stuff for me to do stuff for lawyers, and that's why I've given them some space on the podcast. So I wanted to address that specifically. It's not something I've received any real feedback about, but it's something I wanted to cover because I recognize that it's kind of different in this scenario. But the reason I'm doing it is because I think the products fit. I use a couple of different services to look at potential advertisers for the podcast and there are hundreds and hundreds of different advertisers. Very few of them look like things that are interesting, that look like things that are an interesting fit for you guys. So the ads that we're running now they are really specifically targeted at you guys, the listeners, and so they're not something that you know. I think, hey, this is just any random thing that can advertise on this space. I'm only really accepting those if I have some kind of other relationship with them or there's a possibility to build more of a relationship with them. So I just wanted to address that specifically.
Speaker 1:
Next up is our publishing schedule and we've been on a primarily Monday and sometimes Thursday publishing schedule. That is largely going to stay the same. We may publish some more stuff on Thursdays, but Monday is still going to be the primary date for these episodes. So that's going to happen throughout most of this year. We will probably double up and do the Thursday publishing again in the fourth quarter when we need to get a little bit more information out. But at the moment I think we're going to be sticking with our Monday only schedule.
Speaker 1:
And when it comes to the series stuff that we've been doing, we are going to be starting the series again soon. But they will soon be switching to a subscription program, so that'll be launched a little bit later. The price, the details, all of that are being worked out and all of the previous series will still be available on your podcast apps, at least for the time being and when that initial subscription rolls out. We have no plans to put old episodes into the subscription just yet. This is probably going to be later this quarter or in Q3, but it is something I wanted to give you guys a heads up about is that we're going to move some of the longer series episodes to a subscription program, so those are going to be more deep dives into specific issues. We're probably going to have some video episodes for that as well, but the details are still being ironed out.
Speaker 1:
And to wrap up these changes and notes, the kind of things is feedback, which is always welcome. I do get feedback from a few of you guys. I really, really appreciate it to hear what you like, what you dislike. Everything is very much welcome and, as always, feel free to email me if you have any questions that you want answered or you have any comments or anything like that. I definitely love hearing the feedback and it's really helpful when it comes to deciding what to talk about next. So, taking breaks this is something that a lot of marketing people well, really a lot of like life coach type of people talk a lot about, and I'm not going to spend a lot of time about it, I'm just bringing it up because this is a short episode, and the short episode is kind of because I am taking a one week break, not a full actual week, just like four days. But it reminded me that this is something that's really important, especially in marketing right now, because so many things are changing, so many processes are changing and really the vision when it comes to Internet marketing has got to change a lot. So I highly recommend taking even short breaks very little like weekend trips and things like that Very advisable, especially at this time of year that very advisable especially at this time of year and when I say especially at this time of year, that's an important thing to note, based on your practice, because if you're, say, a divorce lawyer, you don't want to take a break until probably this time of the year.
Speaker 1:
You don't want to take a break in January, when you have your most revenue potential. So when it comes to taking breaks, my advice again I won't go too far into this is time that with your annual revenue. So if you know that there's going to be a lull at a certain time and that that lull is not because of your fault, it's because of how the market works and there are clients there, but they're going to come in next month, take your break. Then you know that the revenue is going to come back. There's nothing that needs to be changed. And if you need a little bit of extra time to get some work done in quiet, then sure skip the vacation.
Speaker 1:
But I really suggest avoiding those high chaos times of the year. If you're in divorce, it's January, if you're in criminal, it's all the time. It just depends on whenever it is for your type of life In immigration. You're getting their schedules for that every year so you know when your dates are, if you're in taxes, in April. So all of that really depends on your practice.
Speaker 1:
But it's a great time to take a break to refresh that vision and to really get some positivity out of it that you can bring back into your marketing, be recharged and fully refreshed and hit the ground running for Q2. Because yeah, in some practices things do slow down as we get into May and June, but there's no real need for that. It doesn't need to happen. So if you hit the ground running again and you can push really hard on your marketing, you'll have a better chance at making it through the summer with a lot more in the tank than most of your competitors. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to me, especially if you have questions or you have comments about the podcast or you have marketing questions. You can reach out to me at contact at Rosen advertisingcom or just by going to Rosen advertisingcom and filling out a contact form. That's it for legal marketing 101. Thank you so much for being a listener. Check out Rosen advertisingcom for more Thanks.